Please will you make an appointment with me first, before making your payment. Thank you.
Birth Chart interpretation and handouts:
Asteroid Goddesses Chart Interpretation
£115 for an hour and a half
Dowsing for birth time, plus handouts: £50
Dowsing for birth time, plus Birth Chart interpretation and handouts: (two separate occasions) £135
Solar Return chart for the year, (ideally for those familiar with their natal chart energy): £115 for an hour and a half
Returning clients for astrological updates: £75 for an hour
Synastry Chart interpretation (for couples): £145 for a hour and a half.
This will include a personalised presentation to illustrate key points. It is beneficial to have had an individual Reading first, but this is not essential. (N.B. permission for this must have been obtained from both parties)
Life direction/further education exploration for Children under 18 or students: £50 for an hour